Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Weak

So, she went on vacation
but only for a few weeks.
She never wanted to leave him,
but she had to risk the stakes.

She had the time of her life,
but still thought of him each day.
She wrote him a few letters,
but never knew what to say.

So many things were happening,
while the time quickly passed.
Her anxiety had risen
until they would meet again at last.

but there was a time at the beach
where her spirit was set free.
the time she spent there opened her life
to a new one that was meant to be.

so, she wrote her love in the sand.
and prayed it wouldn't wash away.
for even though she knew it would
the real love she has is there to stay.

She will not forget that very moment.
for she left her feelings on that beach.
and only with him, will she share
the love that's only in his reach.

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